Creative learning: The relationship between art and education

Studies measuring creative thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning skills have shown that these functions increase and develop with the inclusion of art instruction in education. Creative learning: The relationship between art and education has become extremely important due to research.

What is creative learning?

In the process of creative learning, the teacher arouses the students' interest in the learning material and then guides the students to create a problem by themselves or present some problems and asks the students to use all available resources to creatively find the best solution satisfying.

Creative learning:To understand the relationship between art and education, we need to know exactly what creative education is.

Creative education and starting point

1960-1979 Beginning in the 1960s, Japan's emphasis on creative education enabled the formation of an "invention class," producing approximately 250 translated creative writings and contributing to applied activities.

Germany has introduced this for all primary and secondary school levels. With schoolchildren thinking differently in the classroom, the widespread interest in education after the World War, the fundamental formation of a theoretical system, creative teaching became a global trend.

Based on the sociological and historical situations in different parts of the world, it became clear that the new generation must change its worldview.

To support the status of a "developed" country of the fighting instinct of the people, a generation with high educational standards and capable of new productions with different perspectives was needed. Such historical demand is used today along with art and education to lay the foundation for creative generations.

We continue our article entitled Creative learning: the relationship between art and education, which has become one of the most researched topics in the field of art and education…

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Creativity and education

Let's start with the fact that it helps students think and use their imaginations. The child learns to ask and his curiosity develops. Curiosity creates the ability to access information, test the accuracy of information, the ability to think critically, and the desire to research.

Creative learning: in the relationship between art and education; A question asked by a child can make you think and find an answer. So, let's not silence them, let's guide them on this path and show them the ways to reach knowledge.

How to create a creative learning environment?

The teacher states that he can diversify the activities of his colleagues depending on the classroom, student or department environment and that he wants to create a learning environment where there is strong communication, where every student can participate in the process simultaneously and ideas can be generated .

Trainers say that by applying creative learning techniques, students achieve the goal in an interesting, fun way by playing and much more than they imagined during this time. Stating that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for a creative learning environment, the teacher emphasizes that students' excitement, happiness and enthusiasm in their lessons are worth all the effort.

creative learning
Creative learning

What are the cognitive dimensions of creativity?

There are many theories about creative learning and education. Although creative learning practices are more widely used today, theoretically they have an older history in the educational sciences. To explain the relationship between creativity and cognitive processes with one of the important theories on this subject;

Four dimensions of creativity according to Fisher:

  1. Flexibility
  2. Original
  3. mechanical processing
  4. Fluency

The evaluation and implementation phase is the most difficult phase of creativity. The difference between successful entrepreneurs and other entrepreneurs is that they have made sound judgment about ideas that can be implemented.

So, having asked what is creative learning, what is the answer to the question of how and what are its stages? Here are the stages of creativity.

Stages of creativity

Creativity is theoretically subject to certain stages. The most important factor in this is the desire to achieve the greatest efficiency by placing them in certain production processes.

The stages of creativity are as follows:

  • Need:It involves the process of realizing that there is a problem, irregularity or need, realizing that a new product or idea needs to be produced, and deciding to find a solution.
  • Preparation – Data collection:It is the stage of obtaining the necessary information by identifying the current need, problem, deficiency and difficulty.
  • Idea development – ​​Planning:In this stage, which can also be called the incubation period, suggestions for solving problems are defined and imagined as ideas.
  • Reality check:The applicability, feasibility and producibility of planned solution proposals are examined.
  • Putting ideas into practice:Solutions identified as useful are taken and used, produced and implemented.

Using this method, following certain steps, will allow you to achieve more effective results in achieving your creative learning goals.

creative learning

The relationship between art and education

Creative thinking is not a destination, but a journey. It happens when a person finds a new answer to an old problem or thinks about what might have happened if something hadn't happened.

Creativity occurs when an individual imagines or imagines something in some way. Children do this by playing, listening to stories or building sandcastles.

Adults do this when reading a book, planning a trip, or wondering what to do with the money in their bank accounts.

Creativity in art

Creativity has been recognized as a characteristic of extraordinary people for centuries and has been used primarily in the visual arts. Just as there is a fine line between genius and insanity, unscientific views have been accepted until recently.

Baltacıoğlu's following words about creativity in art are interesting: "… Art is not creative, it is evocative, provocative."

Aesthetic emotion arises through the awakening and awareness of biopsychological or sociopsychological emotions, such as desire, that exist in humans but remain unconscious. In this case, each work of art is not a technique that instills one of the emotions listed in the theory of value, but a technique that awakens various emotions that live in the subconscious and brings them to the conscious level.

Thinking is a requirement of creative thinking. The element that closely links art and creativity is the mind. The art; it creates beauty, perfection, harmony and order. It makes visible to us things that arise from fantasies, express pleasure or displeasure, are intangible and invisible at first glance.

Creativity and education

As the level of education increases, so does the level of creativity. However, additional formal education can reduce an individual's creative success, and this situation is also observed in the middle and high school years.

School; It strengthens the dominance of mind and logic by choosing the unknown and the original. It causes the sterilization of thought by eliminating the new, the disturbing and the absurd.

Moreover, according to Sunguri, “… this situation is reinforced by training programs and tutorials and becomes a device that regulates the left brain…” According to him, overeducated people become less creative. Because they learn from the dangers of mistakes and failures throughout life.

In research and creativity, there are hundreds of mistakes and only one success. For the child to produce creative thoughts, he/she must be open and receptive to external stimuli and at the same time be aware of his/her internal emotions, desires, imagination and reactions. No doubt the child who becomes aware of the observations will have no difficulty in reflecting and expressing them in many different ways.

Our article titled Creative Learning: The Relationship between Art and Education, which we have researched and compiled for you, consists of the results of scientific research.

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